
RECE Supervisor


This job posting is for a position in Barrie, Ontario.

Company Description

Little Start Child Care is a unique facility that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the expansion of our non-traditional prodigious centre we are currently seeking an experienced full time Registered Early Childhood Educator Supervisor to join our team. Unique and non-traditional hours are required and as well as being “on-call” in certain instances.

Job Description

This is a 24 hour, 7-day week and/or full flexible program which requires flexible, caring and motivated staff.

  • Reporting to and keeping the Director informed: You will be responsible for the day to day operations of Little Start Child Care Inc programs.
  • On call 24/7 as required.
  • Train and prepare staff, in particular, Team Leaders, for advancement in the organization.
  • Short and long term planning to ensure an efficient flow of activities.
  • Implementing operational policy and annual review of, and input in to, policies and procedures.
  • You will exhibit professionalism and serve as a role model for staff, parents and children.
  • Facilitate meetings with outside agencies.
  • Provide an emotionally supportive environment, being alert to the needs of staff, parents and children.
  • Take an active role in local professional associations and be involved on behalf of LSCC in community special events.
  • You will be knowledgeable and keep current with all licensing requirements, legal acts, and responsibilities pertinent to operating an efficient, effective, and quality operation of a day to day business.
  • Keep Ministry Access binder current and ready for inspection at any time, including our Playground Safety, program statement and program statement implementation policy, how does learning happen, Supervision , Monitoring, Duty to report, Anaphylactic Shock, Fire Evacuation plan, and Water Flushing policies which are key flags which the Ministry expects us to follow.


  • Early Childhood Education Diploma/Degree/Equivalent.
  • Prepared to work towards a Diploma/Degree in Business.
  • Minimum 5 years experience in an Early Childhood Education Program with demonstrated supervisory, administrative and leadership skills.
  • Knowledge of the Child Care and Early Years Act.
  • Approved references.
  • Criminal reference checks with vulnerable every three years – declaration yearly.
  • Dr Note – Physically and mentally capable to work with children.
  • Current Immunization Records on file.
  • Has read and understood the Orientation Manual and agreed to review it annually and as required.
  • Has a more than reasonable knowledge of budgets and budgeting, revenue forecasting, scheduling, time-management, human resource management, conflict resolution, peer mediation, team management, and management in/for adults and children.
  • Member of the College for Early Childhood Educators.
  • Current First Aid Certificate and CPR

Additional Information

As per the direction from the Owner/Director you will be directly and/or indirectly ensuring that the centre operates according to all legal requirements. Lead and train Junior Supervisor and staff in regards to the CCEYA and all policies are consistently implemented and offer input into policies to improve and/or bring current information. That staff are trained, supported and supervised as applicable and that the programs are appropriately developed and maintained. The programs satisfy the needs of the children individually, as a group and that the client’s needs are being met, consistent with the organizations mandate and mission. The performance of any other duties which may be reasonably assigned from time to time to ensure quality and the health and safety of the children and staff in the organization. The image you present is one that will reflect well on the reputations of the Director, other Managers, and your staff in the Centre.

We thank all candidates for their application however, only those chosen will be contacted for an interview at this time.

Are you the Supervisor that we are looking for? Tell us why and send us your resume and cover letter today!

Registered Early Childhood Educator


This job posting is for a position in Barrie, Ontario.

Company Description

Little Start Child Care is a unique facility that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the expansion of our non-traditional prodigious centre we are currently seeking an experienced full time Registered Early Childhood Educator to join our team. Unique and non-traditional hours are required and as well as being “on-call” in certain instances.

Job Description

Little Start Child Care Inc. is looking for responsible, enthusiastic, caring and reliable registered early childhood educator to work for Little Starts new location. Working with a variety of staff and children in all aspects of child care you will aid in How Does Learning Happen? programming with developmentally age appropriate activities, planning outdoor activities, maintenance/inventory of the classroom, being a part of ratios and a great team.

You will be responsible for a age group of children, while ensuring ratio numbers at met all times and following all safety policies and procedures.

  • Maintain communication with staff during shift changes.
  • Able to meet ratio needs due to changing client schedules.
  • Work with our Prohibited Practices.
  • Follow the Supervision Policy
  • Understand Duty to report
  • Attend Monthly Staff meetings
  • Work within the operational policies and procedures of the organization. Review them often.
  • Ask questions as required.
  • Offer input into policies to improve and/or bring current information.
  • Support the staff.
  • Communicate clearly and honestly with staff, parents and children.
  • Attend to the children’s physical and mental needs.
  • Contribute to the ongoing operation of the centre. (i.e. Cleaning etc)
  • Perform any other duties which may be reasonably assigned from time to time to ensure quality and the health and safety of the children and staff in the organization.
  • Respect the tasks of others
  • Support, guide, and teach students placed in your program using ‘How does learning happen’.
  • The image you present is one that will reflect well on the reputations of the Director, other Managers, and the staff.


  • Early Childhood Education Diploma
  • Demonstrated ability to work with young children of all needs.
  • Current First Aid/CPR Certificate.
  • Current Immunization records on file.
  • Food Handlers Certificate
  • Criminal reference check with vulnerable sector (VSS/CRC)- every three years – declaration yearly.
  • Dr Note – Mentally and psychically capable to work with children
  • Approved references
  • Has read and understood the Orientation Manual and agreed to review it as required
  • Must be a Member of the College of Early Childhood Educators

Additional Information

We thank all candidates for their application however, only those chosen will be contacted for an interview at this time. Are you the RECE that we are looking for? Tell us why and send us your resume and cover letter today!

Apply Online

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